With the
NJ/PA Make & Take group from
HauntForum readying their next meeting (it might also be a props-and-a-movie night!) on September 25th, I've somehow latched onto the idea of making a web casting glue gun. It was an offhand remark on the discussion board, but like a zombie with a insatiable desire for brains I've been searching for how-to's on building a cheap model non-stop.

There are professional models out there, like this one from
Haunt Your Home, but at $45 (plus S&H) it's just a little more than I'd want to spend. It does seem to offer great ease in adjustments though.
But I've been able to come up with two different models, both relatively simple, though one would definitely be cheaper than the other assuming the necessary tools were already on hand (I have 'em!). Check out the
Devil's Advocate page where I'm listing haunt tools, props, and accessories that I want to build to bring my haunt up a notch.
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