But I shouldn't be too hard on myself. After all, while I didn't work as diligently as I had wanted to, I still managed to make two new papier mache corpses, a Stolloween-style dragon, a ScareFX rockin' granny, the mechanism for a flying crank ghost, 30 LED spotlights, a couple of tombstones, and this weekend I'll be completing a PIR motion sensor prop trigger. So I haven't been completely slothful. I've attended the NJ/PA Make-and-Take every month (though I missed the rafting trip) and I've gained some really useful skills that I never would've tried previously (soldering, anyone?).
And importantly, I do still have three more months to go before Halloween is here. Last year, in just one month's time, I was able to build two groundbreakers and a Monster Mud reaper, a bunch of PVC flicker candles, and a whole bunch of interior decor items (a menagerie of "witch jars," for example). I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make one or two MM props and a few more groundbreakers before I run out of time.
I think my grandiose plans may need to be scaled back a bit, but even if I don't get to everything, my yard haunt will have been taken up a notch again. Another block in the building process.
And there's always next year!
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