I'm pretty sure the episodes are available on the Internet somewhere, so now I'll just have to hook up my laptop to the TV to watch them. The benefit of that is I don't have to stay up to midnight to watch it, and I don't have to worry about it interfering with my party on Friday.
In a related entertainment note, The Washington Post has an article running today on five (count 'em! five) new books about zombies.
"No less an authority than Stephen King has proclaimed that in a quest for world domination between zombies and vampires, zombies win."
I concur. Unfortunately for me, the books are more humorous than "real." As I've said before, I'm not a fan of humor in my zombie world (though I did like "Shaun of the Dead") so I probably won't be picking up any of the books with titles like "Night of the Living Trekkies," "The Zombies of Lake Woebegotten," and "Married With Zombies."

While its available on Amazon for around $11, it's available for the Kindle for less than $3. I don't have a Kindle, but I do have the Kindle for Mac application. It lets you download books to your computer and read them. There are many e-books you can get for free as well. Usually I prefer holding a book in my hand -- reading a story on the computer isn't quite the same -- but I might check it out anyway.
I recall reading one time that Jesus and the Resurrection are proof that zombies do exist, which gives me a reason to perhaps spread my haunt to Easter too. Now that would have been a more interesting book: Jesus as a zombie.
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