Today, for example, I had to go to the waste transfer station and dump all the debris that I've accumulated: plaster, cement, lath, and all around construction waste. When I pulled into the depot, it was empty except for one garbage truck, but the truck driver was nowhere to be seen and I had to wait for him to unload before I could go. After about 15 minutes he returned and started unloading, but that's when all the other dump trucks, garbage trucks, township vehicles, etc., started pulling in.
My mini-pickup with my itsy bitsy load of debris was probably seen as more of a hinderance than anything, so I was left cooling my heels while they had all these monster trucks pulling in and out unloading their debris first. Finally, after a half hour of waiting I was able to unload and go on my way, but what should have been a 15 minute run turned into an hour and cut into my day, time that I had planned on using for prop building.

By the end of the night I was actually able to get two coats on and am ready for the second layer of fabric to go over it. I'll describe my process in greater detail at a later time, but suffice to say I haven't made as much progress as I'd like and while there are still several months to go, I see that once again I'll be reining in my list of expectations.
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