Afterwards, we went to a local Harbor Freight Tool store to see if they had any generators in stock (my wife hates not having TV when the lights go out, and it seems if someone sneezes around here the power cuts off) and were surprised to find they did have one in stock, a 16 hp model that should allow me to power up the sump pump in the basement (my concern), my router and modem so I can stay connected to the Internet, and of course, my wife's TV. We'd also be able to hook up the refrigerator, too, and probably a few lights as well.
I've also been eying one of their welders too. Ever since I got to play with one at one of the local make-and-take meetings I've been dying to get one. Not that I actually have anything to weld just yet, but it was so much fun! I figure I'll be able to build some support frames and stuff for props some time in the future. HFT had an ad in Maxim magazine for an additional discount on the welder, so what originally cost $150 or more and was discounted to about $110, I got for $90, so I was happy.
As the video below I stole from Joiseygal's vlog shows, I monopolized much of the welding demonstration time.
The cashier also thought the generator had a discount which she couldn't find at the time, but told me to call her back today after she's had a chance to look and she'll give me the discount if she finds it.
So after dropping all of that off, my wife wanted to go furniture shopping. We'll be getting a new living room set plus furniture for the sun room soon, and somehow I promised (she says) I'd actually spend the day with her doing that (in the middle of October?!). Although we didn't find anything we actually wanted, I did find the decor and accessories of some of these places inspirational, allowing me to think about how I could put them to use in a haunt.
For example, the photo at the top could look great as a possible backdrop, maybe as one of those falling wall props. It's about 15-18 half wine casks stacked up on wood racks. Somehow I think they could be made out of foam, hung with Spanish moss, jute, and creepy cloth, and given an overall haunting appearance. At least I was able to occupy my thoughts while enduring the mind-numbing torture of furniture shopping, particularly since I wasn't allowed to visit any of the dozen or so Halloween stores we passed as we went from furniture outlet to furniture outlet.
Having honored at least part of my marital contract yesterday, today it's back to Halloween!
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